The institution of the jury trial was restored in 2010 (Georgia had it in 1918-1921), only for homicides in aggravated circumstances in Tbilisi alone....
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Giga Bokeria’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE. Resume: The first
15/10/2018Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
In the secondary education completion exams, schoolchildren struggle the most to surpass the minimum competence level in foreign languages and mathema...
In 2010, the Government of Georgia decided to launch the unified education completion exams in
06/08/2018FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
For the past several years, nearly 25% of schoolchildren cannot get education completion diplomas
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Sergo Ratiani’s statement is TRUE. Resume: In 2018, of the
03/08/2018TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
European NATO Analogue: There is a Rift between Western Countries
Verdict: The news disseminated by Georgia and the World is a MANIPULATION OF
22/06/2018Manipulationრიცხვებით და ფაქტებით მანიპულირება-en -
American admiral spoke about the harmfulness of Russian sanctions
Verdict: The news disseminated by Georgia and the World is FAKE NEWS. Resume: The Georgia
20/06/2018Fake NewsFake News -
Alt-info falsified a BBC survey which claims that Europe is the tensest region in the world because of migrants
Verdict: The story published by Alt-info is FAKE. Resume: The online media outlet, Alt-info,
30/05/2018Fake NewsFake News -
Animated film for school-aged children: Spermatozoid Beso
Verdict: The information published by Georgia and the World is FAKE. Resume: The Georgia and
14/05/2018Fake NewsFake News -
The previous President pardoned 35,000 persons whilst I pardoned only 3,500
Verdict: Giorgi Margvelashvili’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE. Resume: When the third President
02/05/2018Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
The United States recognises the nuclear dominance of Russia
Verdict: The news disseminated by Tbilisi 24 is FAKE NEWS.
11/04/2018Fake NewsFake News -
According to the National Intelligence [of the United States], anti-Russian sanctions are useless
Verdict: The news disseminated by Georgia and the World is FAKE NEWS. Summary: The
10/04/2018Fake NewsFake News -
Georgia will relinquish its occupied territories for the sake of NATO membership
Verdict: News story, published by Georgia and the World, is FALSE. Resume: The article
14/02/2018Fake NewsFake News -
Muslim screams and breaks bottles of alcohol in France
Verdict: Information disseminated by the Antiliberal Club is FAKE NEWS. Resume: The
07/02/2018Fake NewsFake News -
Media Agencies Which Might Be Feeding You Lies
Fake news is an integral component of propaganda and is considered as a required instrument for
28/11/2017FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
Georgian March or Russian Propaganda?
Civil society widely employs the term “Russian propaganda” in its vocabulary. Part of Georgia’s
14/07/2017FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
It is not a prerogative of the National Security Council of Georgia to hold a session about the issue of creeping occupation
On 4 July 2017, in the village of Bershueti in the Gori District situated along the Tskhinvali
12/07/2017LieThe statement is inaccurate and the assertion in it is absurd